
Smart Marking - teacher training in Antwerp

On Wednesday 20th of April, Jeroen Masson from the University of Ghent came to Encora Talen in Antwerp to give our teachers the workshop:  “Smart Marking of Writing and Speaking Exercises”. This training was meant to arise awareness among our teachers on the importance of assessment vs. evaluation and giving feedback vs. just giving marks.

One of the questions we tried to answer in this session was: how do you provide a student with feedback on a speaking exercise and, more importantly, how do you do that with 25 students and only 50 minutes without becoming slightly nauseous?

Jeroen Masson provided us with some tricks he picked up during his teaching career, such as:
Marks are experienced as a judgement. Marks are also addictive (if positive) or demotivating (if negative). That’s why every mark we produce should have an easy to understand descriptor, which is known in advance by the students.

Other interesting insights from this workshop in the slides below: